Actualizado el 23 de septiembre de 2019


Irma Catherine
Bernal Castro

Duties and Coordination in Evolutive Transitions: The Case of Societies of Insects [Sergio Fernando Martínez Muñoz, PhD] [PDF]

Karen González Fernández

Relaciones entre Lógica y heurística: Un Análisis Filosófico de sus Alcances y Limitaciones.[Dra. Atocha Aliseda Llera.] [PDF]

Josafat Iván
Hernández Cervantes

Constrained Rationality, Heuristics, and Habits: Implications of Different Characterizations of Heuristic Reasoning for the Formulation of Public Policies [Sergio Fernando Martínez Muñoz, PhD][PDF]

Rubén Darío Jiménez Rosado

Clinical Psychology, Affectivity, and Biological Evolution [Siobhan Fenella Guerrero MC Manus, PhD][PDF]

Nayeli Josela Romero López

The Hermeneutic Notion of Application as a Dialogue Guideline between Kuhnian Philosophy and Gadamerian Hermeneutics [María de la Cruz Galván Salgado, PhD][PDF]

Luis Enrique Segoviano Contreras

Prosociality Economics. Synthesis and Convergence between Incentives and Prosocial Citizens [Sergio Fernando Martínez Muñoz, PhD][PDF]

Eduardo Tejeda Pérez

The Rationality of the Kuhnian Model: A Proposal with a Hermeneutic Dimension [María de la Cruz Galván Salgado, PhD][PDF]


Ernesto Campos Reyes

‘Above the Edge of the World’: Thermoregulation of Reptiles between Field and Laboratory [Edna Maria Suárez Díaz, PhD]

Daniel González García

ArithmetiÆ Fratris Johannis Pechami Editio Critica Altera Ex Novis Codicibus Emendatior [Laura Aurora Benítez Grobet, PhD][PDF]

Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizabal

Tension and Disruption. Narrative of the Organic Event of the Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant [Laura Aurora Benítez Grobet, PhD][PDF]

Manero Orozco, Jorge Alberto

The Footprint of Structure that Underlies Physical Theories [Elías Okón Gurvich, PhD][PDF]


Dan Leff Zimmerman

The Ontology of Life: Heidegger and the Environmental Question [Ricardo Salas Astrain, PhD][PDF]

Elohim Emmanuel Esparza Rivera

The Ethology and the Hebbian Theory of Neuronal Assemblies: A Historical and Philosophical Study on its Concept of the Biological [Carlos López Beltrán, PhD][PDF]

Dolores Susana González Cáceres

The Pragmatic Approach of the Observation in the Epistemology of Paul Karl Feyerabend: A Defense of its Originality, Scope, and Relevance [Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz, PhD][PDF]

Elizabeth Martínez Bautista

Epistemology of Scientific Classification: Natural Classes as Epistemic Organizational Units (EOUs) [Alfonso Arroyo Santos, PhD][PDF]

José Agustín Mercado Reyes

Semiosis Events: The Virtuality of Biological Information [Alfonso Arroyo Santos, PhD][PDF]

Teresa Azucena Rodríguez De La Vega Cuéllar

The Social Reality as an Object of Scientific Inquiry: A Revindication of Classical Sociological Ontology [Adriana Murguía Lores, PhD][PDF]


José Gilberto Castrejón Mendoza

Kant and Relativity: Towards an Ontological Pluralism of Space and Time [Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz, PhD; Sahen Hacyan Saleryan, PhD][PDF]

Abigail Nieves Delgado

The Domain of the Face: A Historical Analysis and Critical Study of the Human Face [Carlos López Beltrán, PhD][PDF]


Arturo Ramos Argott
Scientific Understanding. A Philosophical Study [Atocha Aliseda Llera, PhD][PDF]

Carlos David Suárez Pascal

The Value of Life. Finality and Causation in the Explanations of Contemporary Evolutive Biology [Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz, PhD]

Edgar Octavio Valadez Blanco

Complexity and Transdisciplinity: Theory and Practice of Cancer as Complex Disease [Mario Casanueva López, PhD][PDF]


Reyes Juárez Juan Rokyi

What is disease? A Philosophical Analysis of the Biomedical Concept of Disease [León Rogelio Olivé Morett, PhD] [PDF]