Actualizado el 29 de abril de 2019


Gabriela Frías Villegas

Science, Culture, Ideology, and Communication: Communication Offices of Science at Scientific Research Institutes [Ana María Sánchez Mora, MA][PDF]

Arturo Rubio García

Construction of a Virtual Community for the Outreach of Astrobiology [Mónica Gómez Salazar, PhD; Antígona Segura Peralta, PhD][PDF]


Jorge Meinguer Ledesma

Studies on the Contribution of the Communication of Science to de Development of Critical Thinking in Middle-Higher Chemistry Teaching [Julia Tagüeña Parga, PhD][PDF]

Miguel Alberto Zapata Clavería

Deliberative Democracy and Technological Risk: Values and Change of Preferences in the Pluralist Realm of Techno-Science [León Rogelio Olivé Morett, PhD; Jorge Enrique Linares Salgado, PhD][PDF]


Adriana Elisa Espinosa Contreras

Evaluation of the Creativity of Products of the Outreach of Science: A Model for Science Museums and Centers [María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]

Obed Frausto Gatica

Philosophy, Politics, and Science: Ambivalence and Controversies of Thinking in France and México during the XIX Century [Ambrosio Francisco Javier Velazco Gómez][PDF]


Hernández Carbajal Luz Angelica

The Interactive Experience in Science Museums as a Learning Aid [María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]

Salazar Neumann Elena

In Search of Democratic Spaces for the Communication of Science [Julia Tagüeña Parga, PhD][PDF]

Shamosh Halabe Salomón

Definitions of Healthy Eating Principles from the Customs and Traditions of Ancestral Nutrition and the Current One in México [María Amanda Gálvez Mariscal, PhD][PDF]