Vinculaciones: (re)pensando el “Nosotros” en Latinoamérica. University of Pittsburgh

Latin America is a historical and geo-epistemic space marked by what the Bolivian sociologist Luis Tapia, echoing Mariátegui, called multisocietal dynamics: it is not about the co-existence of different perspectives on the spectrum of multiculturalism, but that complex modes of economic production, symbolic reproduction, polemic cosmovisions and models of subject-making have, in conflicting and creative fashion, co-existed in the territory. For example: the Hispanic-colonial matrix is juxtaposed with forms of a peripheric capitalism and modes of the republican state, Amerindian epistemes with early 20th century (political and aesthetic) metropolitan vanguards, the neoliberal paradigm with communitarianism and labor union thought, the struggles of blackness together with the presence of transpacific migrations or the imprint of Jewishness and Arabic heritage; the reference to the “American way of life” with the concrete effects of North American interventionism; the public policies of recent gobiernos nacional-populares with the IMF and the insatiable telos of extractivism. Within this enumeration,the voice of LGBTIQA+ communities and the place of sexual and gender dissidence could also be included.

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