Actualizado el 09 de septiembre de 2019


Laura Leticia Padilla Hernández

Propuesta infográfica para la comunicación del cambio climático en México. [Dra. Siobhan Fenella Guerrero Mc Manus][PDF]


Edith Jiménez Rolland.

The Community of the Nutrition of Food in Modern Society of XXI Century [Edna María Suárez Díaz, PhD] href="">[PDF]


Axel Alejandro González Becerril

Communication of Science in Videogames: Evolution and Serious Games [Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez][PDF]


Blanca María Cárdenas Carrión

Etnographic Museums: Contributions for a Contemporary Definition [Luisa Fernanda Rico Mansard][PDF]

Hugo Domínguez Razo

The Construction of the Transhuman Museum: Approximation to the light museum as a Distributed Cognitive System [Rafael Guevara Fefer, PhD][PDF]

María del Mar Estrada Rebull

Philosophy and Science Education: The Curricular Reform of Primary Education in Mexico during the 60’s [Mónica Gómez Salazar, PhD; Cristina Rueda Alvarado, PhD][PDF]

Marcela Martínez Rodríguez

The Incorporation of the Principles of the Term Nature of Science (NoS) to the Audiovisual Productions of Scientific Outreach [Ana María Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]


Aline Guevara Villegas

Visualizing the Invisible: Proposal to Analyze the Interactions between Cultural Systems of Knowledge Through the Public Communication of Science and Technology [Carlos López Beltrán, PhD][PDF]

Adán Israel Lerma Mayer

Outreach of Information and Analysis of Socio-Digital Networks: A Communication of Scientific Skepticism [Ernesto Priani Saisó, PhD][PDF]

Emiliano Mora Valladares

Practice and Visual Representation of Mathematics: Narrative and Historiographic of the Theory of Graphics [Nuria Valverde Pérez, PhD]

Marco Antonio Ortega Soriano

Proposals of Outreach of a Topic in the History of Science in México via Fiction Short-Films [Rafael Guevara Fefer, PhD][PDF]

Jorge Armando Romo Bonilla

Darwin’s Wars in Scientific Outreach: Essays and Metaphors in the ‘Dawkins-Gould’ Polemic [Edna María Suárez Díaz, PhD][PDF]

José Mario Mendoza Toraya

Diverse Images of Science, the Technology and the Outreach of Science. On Purpose of the Anthology of the Outreach of Science in Mexico [María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]


Nicté Yasmín Luna Medina

Public Participation via Consensus Reunions. Landfills, a Solution for Garbage? [Julia Tagüeña Parga, PhD][PDF]

Sandra Luz Malagón García

Specialized Managers in Science and Technology for the Appropriation of Efficient Wood Stoves PATSARI: A Proposal of a Model of Communication of Science [Gabriela Frías Villegas, PhD; Omar Masera Ceritti, MA][PDF]

Semati Palmera Rodríguez Ríos

The Outreach of Social Science in The Communication of Science: A Comparative Analysis between Archeology and Biology [Ana María Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]


Guadalupe Gutiérrez Hernández

Reconstruction of the Representations of Science at the State of Mexico Council of Science and Technology (COMECyT) [León Rogelio Olivé Morett, PhD][PDF]

Pamela Geraldine Olivo Montaño

The Philosophical Problems in Quantum Physics in Outreach Texts [Shahen Hacyan Salerian, PhD; Elías Okon Gurvich, PhD][PDF]

Arturo Rubio García

Theoretical Elements for the Construction of a Virtual Community for the Outreach of Astrobiology [Mónica Gómez Salazar, PhD; Antígona Segura Peralta, PhD][PDF]

Radamés Villagómez Reséndiz

Materials and Artifacts as Affordances [Sergio Fernando Martínez Muñoz, PhD][PDF]

Marcia Villanueva Lozano

Groups of Mutual Help: Evaluation of the Processes of Communication of Science in the Prevention, Management, and Care of Diabetic Patients [Laura del Carmen Vargas Parada, PhD][PDF]


María Yazmín Hernández Arellano

An Approach to the Function of Workshop Organizers in Activities of Scientific Outreach [María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]

Enrique Martínez Carpio

Men of Mathematics: Study of the Text Under the View of the Theory of Action [Alejandro Ricardo Garciadiego Dantán, PhD][PDF]

Adreissa Lizette Páez Michel

Planning of a Biodiversity Museum: Preliminary Study [María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]


Mariana Espinosa Aldama

The Propagation of Scientific Culture via the Astronomical Society of Mexico (1910-1916) [Javier Cruz Mena, MA][PDF]

Silvia Flor Piñera Barrera

Escher: Mathematics, Crystallography, and Impossibilities. Art as Tool of Scientific Outreach [Julia Tagüeña Parga, PhD] [PDF]

Natalia Verónica Soto Colaballes

Half a Century of Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring in Mexico City 1960-2009: Scientific and Social Aspects [Carlos López Beltrán, PhD][PDF]


Lidia Martha Barajas González

The Communication of Science in Face of Health and Sickness: Cervical Cancer and the Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine [Francisco Javier Flores López, PhD][PDF]

Adriana Elisa Espinosa Contreras

Creativity Model Applied to the ‘Butterfly Event’ Metaphor: An Approach to the Explication of Socialization of New Ideas in the New Science [Atocha Aliseda Llera, PhD][PDF]

Gabriela Frías Villegas

The Intertextuality Resource as a Proposal for the Outreach of Mathematics [Ana María Sánchez Mora, MA][PDF]

Salomón Shamosh Halabe

History, Nutrition, Health, and Ecology to Generate Strategies of Communication about Espirulina (Arthrospita máxima) [María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, PhD][PDF]


Juan Carlos García Cruz

The Metaphors in the Communication of Science. Analysis of the ‘The Book of Life’ Metaphor [Jorge Alcaraz Bravo][PDF]

Xenia Anaid Rueda Romero

The Communication of Science and the Technology of a Multicultural Society [Ambrosio Francisco Javier Velasco Gómez, PhD][PDF]